Colombian Medicine-Man III by GIOVANNI ACEVEDO aka NUKA


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“Curanderos sin nombre” (Unname Medicine-Men), is a collection composed of objects symbolically charged by the territory and the cosmology of pre-Columbian cultures. This is achieved through experimentation and the investigation of the object and the toy, making it possible to develop processes that allow evidence of a time and an identity as a primordial element.

The clay, is a means that in this process enriches the interest to revive the tradition as a container of thoughts and customs from a territory marked by the pre-Columbian aesthetic and establishes a parallel between memory and identity.

The manipulation of primitive matter allows capturing idealized beings, such as sacred spirits, in a mimesis with the body and what is collected in the transit through the mestizo everyday life. The forms that condense traits of a remote past, with graphics and contemporary gestures, represent magical beings that allow us to make a journey through the interior to unveil what we are today.

These objects are based on a reflection on the nature of the toy, the arttoy, the artifact and the artistic piece, claiming the material as a means of play and creation of new shared practices in the past and present.

Over the centuries, shamanism has been the fundamental engine of environmental, social, cultural, economic and religious adaptation of indigenous communities. The CHAMAN is an intermediary with the owners of nature, an ecologist who manages and preserves the resources of the jungle. An intermediary between the natural and spiritual world, traveling between the worlds in a trance state. A communicator from the community with the spirits, who communicates with them to get help in healing, hunting or controlling time ...



About ART:

This artwork is ONE OF A KIND. Unique
The product is individually 100% hand made, small imperfections will always occur, usually slight differences in colour shades.

About 25 centimeters tall
Handmade piece. Baked clay, rustic finishes.

Over the centuries, shamanism has been the fundamental engine of environmental, social, cultural, economic and religious adaptation of indigenous communities. The CHAMAN is an intermediary with the owners of nature, an ecologist who manages and preserves the resources of the jungle. An intermediary between the natural and spiritual world, traveling between the worlds in a trance state. A communicator from the community with the spirits, who communicates with them to get help in healing, hunting or controlling time ...

Technique: cooked terracotta at 1060 degrees
Pigmentation by means of ferrous oxides

CONCEPT: “Curanderos sin nombre” (Unname Medicine-Men), is a collection composed of objects symbolically charged by the territory and the cosmology of pre-Columbian cultures. This is achieved through experimentation and the investigation of the object and the toy, making it possible to develop processes that allow evidence of a time and an identity as a primordial element.

The clay, is a means that in this process enriches the interest to revive the tradition as a container of thoughts and customs from a territory marked by the pre-Columbian aesthetic and establishes a parallel between memory and identity.

The manipulation of primitive matter allows capturing idealized beings, such as sacred spirits, in a mimesis with the body and what is collected in the transit through the mestizo everyday life. The forms that condense traits of a remote past, with graphics and contemporary gestures, represent magical beings that allow us to make a journey through the interior to unveil what we are today.

These objects are based on a reflection on the nature of the toy, the arttoy, the artifact and the artistic piece, claiming the material as a means of play and creation of new shared practices in the past and present.

BIOGRAPHY: GIOVANNI ACEVEDO aka NUKA is a plastic artist born in 1975 in the city of Medellin, Colombia, who has made innumerable interventions and exhibitions all over the world. His paintings and statues of clay reflect memories of the pre-Columbian past, complemented by everyday imagination. An authentic magical realism, where the memory of pre-Hispanic mythology embodied in the present is the essence of his paintings and sculptures.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Shipping charges are based on each country, but we try to be as tight as possible. If we don´t spend all money we ALWAYS give back ;-)

We adjust to the maximum what we can with this platform the shipping costs, which are the same for everyone in everycountry. But logically, in the end, depending on where it is sent from, and where it isreceived, there are variations. Therefore we always return the unspent.


If you want ask any question...send email to [email protected] or through WHATSAPP +34 615755231 (Sergio)