Sculpture: "AM...azing Heart; Hearts in home delivery" by Samuel de Sagas


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This is one of KIND´s unique."AM...azing Heart; Hearts in home delivery"...

This art is sent as you can see...ready to display in any place...


Samuel de Sagas is a Spanish artist. With an art that goes beyond an easily cognitive reality, beyond physicality, to know the interior, the volatile and ephemeral, but tangible like feelings and the unconscious. "The boy of hearts" who is also dedicated to painting hearts inspired by pop culture and the contemporaneity we live in


About: It is inevitable to escape from capitalism, it is a fact. We live in an increasingly fast society, with resources at the blow of Clíck, we can have anything: a mobile phone, a perfume, a house ... What we did not know is that capitalism was not going to be just an economic system, now too there is emotional capitalism. For example, with a simple application we can choose a new partner without leaving our sofa. Thus relationships change, in the same way that we are changing our habits. Loving, wanting, feeling, is no longer just something physical, but travels through the network, or through an Amazon box brought by a stranger. Likewise, artistic expressions are changing and using these new resources as a reflection.
Hearts in home delivery.



BIO: SAMUEL DE SAGAS - born in Malaga, Spain in 1986 - trained in Madrid, Malaga and Barcelona where he finished Fine Arts.

He has worked as a visual artist and illustrator for large companies such as Carolina Herrera, Desigual, or Zara, throughout Europe and part of Asia.

After a while he decided to bet on his own graphic work. "Hearting" everything.

He wrote an illustrated digital book, “100 phrases that I told myself and that I told you I would tell you” in addition to having been the protagonist in a short film “Becouse you're mine” by Jean-Baptiste Houng, and part of a play “La non-existent difference ”, by the playwright Toni Martin (Barcelona)

Despite being such a versatile artist, he defines himself as an artist in search of the essence and the truth.


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If you want ask any question...send email to [email protected] or through WHATSAPP +34 615755231 (Sergio)

Shipping costs: 55 dollars.
To ship anywhere we will prepare a special box for its security...
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If we don´t spend all money in shipment...we will give back to you always...